Dec 28, 2020
Hi ho. Today we’re dividing our time, teleporting across worlds, exchanging poetry, letting Leena meet Leena, getting poisoned, blowing the Beeba Flute, busting up the sacred Wingapede, murdering Pentapus, liberating Razzly, wiping out Dwarfs, making the Hydra extinct, healing Kid, watching Mel rob Kid, and sorting out a rookie thief. Go away, beeba off.
01:05 Intro | 06:14 Opassa Beach | 08:11 Home Arni Paradox Testing |14:37 Hydra Marshes (Home World) | 23:45 Pentapus | 29:10 Dwarf Screed | 32:29 Hydra | 36:53 Guldove, Kid’s Recovery | 45:20 Mel! | 48:43 Outro
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