Jul 25, 2022
Ho ho, you smell like humans. After we roll this wet elf out of our bed, we’re recruiting more children into the army, throwing dice for another degenerate, sacrificing morals for money, slaughtering Christmas trees, recruiting a teleporting amnesiac, meeting a talking dog, receiving racism, counting chicken...
Jul 18, 2022
Want to take a bath? You’ll feel refreshed. While we refuse to discuss our trauma, we’re escaping Lepant’s fun house, stealing a named sword, refusing to get poisoned again, donning a skin cloak, threatening a man’s wife, taking a man’s life, dividing our will to kill, making a family fighting team, letting a...
Jul 11, 2022
A liberating invention needs a liberated world. On the New Liberation Army’s Founding Day, we’re receiving a non-electronic tablet to coordinate destiny, starting a cult, being watched in our sleep, seeing stars, sleeping in the dirt chamber, uniting our recruitment efforts, installing an elevator in the castle,...
Jul 4, 2022
This is the fixed version, we hope!
Here we go then, too late for regrets. And too early for lining up great walls, declaring false identities, seizing the moment to fake a temper tantrum, blaming fate for problems, finding skilled professionals with no obvious means of employment, making Mathiu an offer he can refuse,...