Feb 26, 2024
Are you worthy to shed such tears? Cry with us as we’re cackling incessantly, letting Momo out of our sight, wasting vital shuttle transports, arguing about where Momo is, seeing a false daddy, friending a dead sister, blaming Helmer, rebuilding Sakura as a robot, performing a memory hand transfer, experiencing...
Feb 19, 2024
My goodness, this feels like a dream. This episode feels like we’re welcoming Hyper Assistant Scott, remembering Angels and Elements, flexing while wasted, playing with toys too hard, vibrating the water, shaking off premonitions, preventing gnosis incursion, blooming Luty’s flower, sliding down a roof, turning city...
Feb 12, 2024
Well, it looks like we all managed to make it back. Now we’re relentlessly drawing a connection to Xenoblade 2, laughing through illusory worlds, existing in the subconscious, fighting energy with energy, vaporizing a gas giant, issuing the many worlds theory, pasting in a picture of space, disarming subconscious...
Feb 7, 2024
Hello and welcome to Infinite Perfect, a new periodic Retrograde Amnesia podcast series built to assemble the devastating anecdotal happenstance that connects one of the hosts to their favorite games. Our debut episode covers the Sega Saturn's Burning Rangers, a game that is either horrendous to the senses or dazzling...
Feb 5, 2024
Joyful memories form only one half of the whole. Form the other half by becoming child soldiers, shooting Udo with machine guns, interpreting blood spatter, living a robot’s genetic memory, witnessing Kevin’s sacrifice, blowing a head off, returning to sewer, passing through train cars, quoting Revelations,...