Feb 19, 2024
My goodness, this feels like a dream. This episode feels like we’re welcoming Hyper Assistant Scott, remembering Angels and Elements, flexing while wasted, playing with toys too hard, vibrating the water, shaking off premonitions, preventing gnosis incursion, blooming Luty’s flower, sliding down a roof, turning city sectors into people puzzles, presuming cats have innocent souls, getting in the robot, losing to a boss over and over, and settling a dispute between The Professor and Assistant Scott. I thought I was going to die in the trash.
00:00 Godzilla | 01:35 Intro | 03:10 Kukai Foundation | 04:51 Robot Academy Episode III | 07:36 Allen You Piece Of Shit | 09:19 Albedo’s Playlist |18:07 Durandal NPCs | 22:29 Kukai Foundation NPCs | 25:23 City Sector 26 Rescue | 32:28 Sector 27 Rescue | 37:55 Gigas | 47:18 Robot Academy Episode IV |51:25 Real Net | 57:16 Outro
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