Aug 14, 2023
Would you like me to sheathe Odessa in you? While the boys hot me up in the mouth, we’re taking a ton of baths, waxing heads, foreshadowing Kelley, observing a knight paradox, suffering rune exhaustion, stabbing my wife in the stomach, sloshing water around, betting the farm of a fire card, cutting promos as the world burns down, dispatching Viktor on a dirty job, calling off the sacrifice play, shedding gun blood, insulating the populace from politics, and returning to our hometown. Living people have the pain of living.
00:00 Birthday Pickles | 03:07 Intro | 04:21 Bath Scenes | 09:32 Clive/Elza Muse | 14:57 Rockaxe Check In | 17:26 The Weight Of War | 20:00 Blood Sacrifice | 25:06 The Fire Card | 31:35 Fire War | 38:38 Major Battle: L'Renouille | 42:42 Sajah / Clive Finale | 50:29 Tenzan Pass | 51:00 Kyaro | 53:11 Real Net | 55:24 Outro
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