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Welcome to Retrograde Amnesia, a podcast where we cover classic Japanese Role-playing Games (JRPGs), chapter by chapter, beat by beat. Check out a complete listing of the works we have covered and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast provider. Support us on Patreon at

Aug 14, 2023

Would you like me to sheathe Odessa in you? While the boys hot me up in the mouth, we’re taking a ton of baths, waxing heads, foreshadowing Kelley, observing a knight paradox, suffering rune exhaustion, stabbing my wife in the stomach, sloshing water around, betting the farm of a fire card, cutting promos as the world burns down, dispatching Viktor on a dirty job, calling off the sacrifice play, shedding gun blood, insulating the populace from politics, and returning to our hometown. Living people have the pain of living.

00:00 Birthday Pickles | 03:07 Intro | 04:21 Bath Scenes | 09:32 Clive/Elza Muse | 14:57 Rockaxe Check In | 17:26 The Weight Of War | 20:00 Blood Sacrifice | 25:06 The Fire Card | 31:35 Fire War | 38:38 Major Battle: L'Renouille | 42:42 Sajah / Clive Finale | 50:29 Tenzan Pass | 51:00 Kyaro | 53:11 Real Net | 55:24 Outro

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