Apr 17, 2023
If you're lying, they’ll kill you. In our search for truth, we exploring cop land, blowing off a mustache, refusing to sing a song, abandoning our milk slinging duties, rejecting army recruiters, filling Kent’s head with dragon fantasies, beating up a harpy, listening to a tremendous beating of wings, finally hearing about Lord TcDohl, finding a big egg in a gravy pool, christening Bright, helping Miklotov remain inconspicuous, forcing while resisting, debating clockwork knights, and preparing to enter Muse. It wouldn’t be a betrayal to have a new dragon.
00:00 Battle Rap | 02:24 Intro | 03:39 Rockaxe | 10:45 Clive Incident #5 | 13:16 Highway Village | 28:32 Mount Rakutei | 38:13 Egg | 46:17 Humphrey & Futch | 51:29 Muse-Matilda Border | 55:05 Coronet Check In |55:49 Real Net | 57:34 Outro
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