Jan 9, 2023
What do you want? Are you from around here? While you figure that out we’re assigning light and dark to different destinies, meeting secret ninjas in secret places, stopping by to share some wine, complimenting the wine’s bouquet, inventing demolition sex, desaturating Muse, smashing a wine glass, escaping from a crime scene, assuming unchangable fate brought us here, fantasizing about running away from life, meandering about a fishing town, and meeting up with our favorite weirdos. Your life? I came to take it.
00:00 Bit Brigade | 03:20 Intro | 04:58 Where’s Jowy? | 07:36 Jowy’s Resolve | 09:20 Viktor & Anabelle | 19:32 Where’s Jowy II | 21:09 Anabelle & Jowy | 26:19 Riou, Nanami,& Anabelle | 30:00 Escape Muse | 32:05 Under A Tree 35:30 Coronet | 46:40 Reunited With The Carnies | 50:29 Real Net | 55:34 Outro
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