Sep 30, 2019
In the first proper episode of Retrograde Amnesia, we frame the anime introduction in the context of the time it was made and Xenogears' overarching narrative. We go on to debate the necessity and the rationale for an additional three layer-prologue before some discussion on Lahan Village and its freakish populace. We also talk the importance of portrait-characters, the deliciousness of technobabble, small-town sleeparounds, and that son of a bitch Dan. Episode One covers the prologue through Fei's exit from Lahan village.
00:23 - Xenogears introduction
01:32 - Anime prologue recap and discussion / biblical
03:50 - Technobabble dissection
07:48 - Speculation over depictions of mania inside the
08:30 - "You shall be as gods," as a statement and a repeating
11:30 - Spotlight on the Eldridge's captain
13:08 - After the Eldridge crashes
16:45 - Prologue text / Lore dump of the modern world
19:00 - Lahan flash-forward sequence
21:50 - Xenogears actually starts in Lahan village
22:50 - Imminent flashback sequence from Fei's maid
24:30 - Fei's house, Fei's friends, local wedding preparation
24:48 - Fuckin' Dan
26:37 - Speculation that Fei, like Goku, is slightly too optimistic
and aloof
27:27 - Futzin' about town / Lahan village appraisal
29:56 - "My Village is Number One" sample
33:59 - Prostitutes & Prophets
35:01 - Fuckin' Dan
37:25 - Checking on Alice / Fei through time
40:23 – Outro
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