Mar 7, 2022
Surrender soul, lose brain. After that, we’re wondering if it’s over, staring at an unconscious person, falling into a cold coma, closing out the SeeD candidates, cleaning up after NORG, refusing to remove my sorceress clothes, hearing the ultimate goals of Ultimecia, punching a wall, zoning out during a work meeting, believing Ellone is on the White SeeD Ship, passing out near a bed, debasing ourselves for money, using a gunblade as a prop, looking for Ellone in the past, and limiting our time power. You can’t change the past, I just found that out.
01:51 Intro | 04:27 Squall’s Solitude | 08:43 Gardening | 13:57 Matron’s House | 17:42 Edea’s Tasty Lore Splurge | 34:06 Gardening II | 39:13 Laguna Shoots A Movie | 46:11 Laguna x Ruby Dragon | 53:44 Rainy Orphanage | 59:08 Real Net | 01:01:18 Outro