Feb 14, 2022
A ball rolls onto the court. Today, on the baller’s field, we’re determining why the sorceress is the sorceress, enshrining Selphie in the party, questioning the use of violence, showing growth through command, shooting a free throw, gaslighting the whole party, becoming children, camping at the beach, hogging sis, misdirecting affection, forcing love, losing memories, forgetting pain, reframing the assassination attempt, being visited by the faeries, and telling Rinoa to come with us. The cowboy knew when the cogs of fate began to turn.
01:33 Intro | 04:38 Basketball Thoughts | 16:01 Irvine’s Revelation | 20:16 Connecting Dots | 29:35 Beach Confessions | 34:11 Retrograde Amnesia | 38:51 Matron | 50:08 Real Net | 55:41 Outro
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