Dec 20, 2021
I sent my students to kill my wife. And yet, we’re eliminating symbiotic organisms, transforming our school into our car, admiring the balcony vista, setting out to open sea, thinking too much, half-assing a tour of our school, experiencing retrograde amnesia, making a boyfriend promise, losing our temper, delivering our report to NORG, revealing a surprise marital connection, and murdering a capitalist overlord. It’d be heartbreaking to know I was forgotten.
01:12 Intro | 04:03 Mobile Structure Garden | 14:41 Squall’s Mind Prison | 16:22 Rinoa’s Garden Tour | 24:36 Solo Garden Exploration | 33:09 Garden Level B1 | 37:52 NORG | 51:39 Real Net | 55:38 Outro
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