Feb 8, 2021
Am I dead? I guess we’re looking back at the beach, waking up in dimensional vortex, tripping balls, befriending a shape-shifting creature of myth, sorting out reality, fighting against two dimensions, jumping in a warp zone, partying with Sprigg, failing to teleport, kicking ass to the moon, experiencing severe xenophobia, frightening the locals, and sleeping in my bed that isn’t mine. I can’t afford to lose you just yet.
01:07 Intro | 03:20 Temporal Vortex | 14:27 Dimensional Tower | 23:04 Total Chaos | 29:00 Hydra Marshes | 32:50 Opassa Beach | 34:00 Return to Arni (Home World) | 47:00 Real Net | 48:50 Outro