Jul 17, 2023
I vow to aid you with all the strength in my worthless hands. After pissing all over Neclord, we’re adding eight consecutive stars of destiny to our army, never cracking a smile, founding a coven, concealing true feelings for Anabelle, disservicing worms, recruiting a literal kraken, practicing kraken monogamy, swearing to Georg that we won’t give up, developing a presence, literally pushing Gantetsu around, diverging into a new dog, switching to a new aggression, wishing Riou could join the circus, making mother sad, impregnating Yoshino, and allowing Flik closure for Odessa…at the expense of Nina. Watch and see how a brave man dies.
00:00 Season 5 Winner |02:46 Intro | 04:56 Hauser | 07:15 Sierra | 10:08 Jess | 12:26 Gijumu | 14:19 Lo-Wen | 15:49 Koyu | 17:28 Marlowe | 18:59 Kahn | 20:15 After Neclord | 21:32 Abizboah | 25:43 Georg Prime | 30:58 Gentetsu | 34:32 Boris | 40:18 Night Time Reflections | 52:54 Real Net | 55:11 Outro
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