Apr 24, 2023
What’s wrong, don’t you think it’s beautiful? As we try to control our emotion, we’re witnessing a doubled-headed spectral wolf suck souls off, projecting filth, distrusting illegitimate blood, blinking out like a Mad Gear gang member, telling Knight Father of war crimes, debating a knight’s honor, quitting my job, getting my boys to quit their job, pulling Leon out of the ether, suddenly deciding Riou is too important, watching a chef commit suicide for a cake recipe, loafing off, denying a monster devoured everyone, and pretending to be friends with our enemy. I resign myself to your disgrace.
00:00 Food Time | 01:37 Intro | 03:35 Sacrificial Feast | 06:05 Luca & Jowy | 10:15 Ghosts of Muse | 14:19 Muse-Matilda Border | 15:49 Rockaxe | 23:45 Milotov and Camus Quit | 29:51 Green Hill Passage | 32:10 HQ Check In | 34:31 Jowy’s Gambit | 39:11 Yggcastlin’ | 44:54 Radat Recon | 50:51 Real Net | 53:40 Outro
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