Mar 9, 2020
Burning Desire, Burning Souls, Burning Rangers. It's been exposed. We spend our time stealing our father's gun, realizing you can't have separation of church and state if the church is also the state, uncovering Solaris' global meddling, watching dying people cough up blood and plot, shattering faith, enduring Bond villain soliloquies, watching Bishop Stone overdo it, and sitting through escalations of lore and plot devices. Current Xenogears toilet count: 2.
00:43 - Intro
02:50 - Yggdraslin' around
05:04 - Sidequesting around the orphanage
06:24 - Returning to the Ethos H.Q.... (music sample: "Fuse")
13:28 - Liberating some curious prisoners in the basement
16:18 - The gang hacks the Gibson and lore dumps all over us
24:00 - Verlaine shoots his mouth off
27:05 - Bishop Stone shoots Verlaine's mouth off
31:39 - The fate of the Thames Fleet
33:24 - Ministry Technosphere Theater, Part III
34:58 - Everyone's done with the Ethos
36:31 - Aboard the Ezekiel...with Krelian
42:49 - Outro
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