Aug 16, 2021
I love battles. I fear nothing. On this god forsaken installment we’re playing cards with groupies, assembling protagonists, channeling shōnen energy, swallowing Cid’s propaganda, developing a gunblade fetish, stating chicken wuss etymology, being antisocial for test scores, storming a beach, incapacitating soldiers, idling around a fountain, and delivering the best line of the game. Ok then, good luck.
01:23 Intro | 03:14 Balamb Debrief | 04:17 Triple Triad | 08:45 Squad Assignments | 21:41 Garden Car | 29:17 SeeD Vessel | 37:07 The Landing | 46:01 Central Square | 51:24 Summit Path | 56:43 Real Net | 01:00:12 Outro
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