Apr 18, 2022
We understand each other’s thoughts and hearts. While ignoring Rinoa’s imminent peril, we’re wasting a day with Triple Triad, failing to move the Queen of Cards, sailing past 100 hours, playing Red Light Green Light, picking the hidden option, spelling blow wrong, brimming with passion, beating up the boiler room, battling Ultima Weapon, indulging in the ultimate GF, finishing Laguna’s statue, diegetically playing an Irish jig, breaking up a Shumi spat, and being content with more morsels of NORG lore. It’s our nature. There’s no real reason. Maybe we were born only to fight
02:08 Intro | 04:42 Queen of Cards | 08:17 Deep Sea Research Center Exterior | 13:20 Bahamut | 22:39 Deeper Into Deep Sea Research Center | 33:19 Eden | 38:03 Return to Shumi Village | 44:07 Laguna Flashback | 54:02 Real Net | 57:10 Outro
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