Apr 11, 2022
I’m not your mom. In truth, I’m denying romantic impulses, killing and re-killing aliens, scanning my girlfriend, using a radio for the first time, resisting any attempt at creating intimacy, accepting a sorceress’ fate, descending from Hyne, revealing the sorceress inside me, not doing shit about anything, repeatedly dying inside, flying with exuberance, and adding a mascot and sentient haunted trains as guardian forces. You’ve missed out on all the good things in life, you’ve missed out on so much.
01:08 Intro | 02:35 Enter Ragnarok | 06:55 Propagator | 13:37 Exploring Ragnarok | 22:07 Eyes On Me | 32:20 Separation | 38:06 Ragnarok Regroup | 46:58 We’re Flying | 49:42 Selphie Diary Check In | 50:32 Jumbo Cactuar | 55:11 Doomtrain | 58:35 Real Net | 01:02:18 Outro
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