Oct 18, 2021
Avoid the trauma of past tense. Today we’re absorbing the grandeur of Galbadia Garden, showcasing ostentatious wealth, doing pervert pushups, learning of a surprise execution, psychologically terrorizing Rinoa, searching for an unforgivable villain, fearing grammatical solutions, performing a villain swipe, pouting like a child, collecting a cowboy sniper, and anticipating monster hockey. It seems to me like there’s a whole bunch of losers here.
02:00 Intro | 03:40 Galbadia Garden Overview | 17:11 Reception Room | 29:32 Pouter’s Retreat | 33:29 Front Gate | 39:23 Irvine Kinneas | 44:48 Galbadia Garden Ephemera | 52:40 Real Net | 54:56 Outro
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