Jul 22, 2024
What nonsense is this? Well, it’s an audio variety show where we’re playing Dycedarg’s theme for a meeting with Zalbaag, wondering if Zalbaag is dumb, failing to avoid Alma, proving truth words, fighting a heresy examiner, perverting into the Lucavi, profaning the gods, cutting a deal with Alma, rumoring Elmdore’s death, storing books underground, acquiring magic rocks to gain the people’s trust, making Alma guard the base, wishing we were born a man, assigning the universal mong theory, and getting deep into subterranean book storage. Your mother's common blood forever stains you common.
00:00 1000xRESIST | 02:14 Intro | 03:56 The Royal City of Lesalia | 12:20 Lesalia Castle Postern | 16:49 High Confessor Zalmour | 27:10 Lesalia Castle Postern Post Battle | 33:57 Rumors | 34:52 Orbonne Monastery Vaults, First Floor | 46:17 Monastery Vaults, Second Level | 50:57 Monastery Vaults, Third Level | 53:50 Real Net | 01:00:50 Outro
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