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Welcome to Retrograde Amnesia, a podcast where we cover classic Japanese Role-playing Games (JRPGs), chapter by chapter, beat by beat. Check out a complete listing of the works we have covered and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast provider. Support us on Patreon at

Jul 15, 2024

Mentally, are you becoming a coward? Vocally, we’re entering a pope meeting, pronouncing “Orlandeau,” feeling lost in the sauce, using a prisoner’s confession as an excuse to kill a guy, recognizing Orlandeau’s prowess, showcasing multiple councils, haggling over war logistics, closing the borders, going against the big tide, performing the forbidden dance, preaching secular theories, believing in god so much we quit the war, rescuing a shuffler, obtaining a battle dict., and shakin’ hands. There can be no peaceful end to this.

00:00 V Rising | 03:11 Intro | 05:15 Zeltennia Castle Keep | 15:20 Arazlam’s Words | 16:34 Fort Besselat | 26:40 Job Classin’ | 39:12 Mining Town of Gollund | 45:44 Ramza & Orrin | 48:13 Real Net | 52:24 Outro

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