Apr 12, 2021
The ground here is hot. This time we’re confronting Radius with Radius, rubbing a child’s head, getting in a real time turn based fight, boarding the reflection bridge, churning resolution from flashbacks, putting everyone in this game in our party, reflecting our image on the mirror of truth, finding out Marcy is nine fucking years old, hearing Harle’s plot legends, telling space aliens about tears, solving snake statue puzzles, and finding the true bastards. The ground here has cooled down.
01:35 Intro | 04:06 Plotat Hermit’s Hideaway | 11:49 Surprise Attack! | 16:30 Aboard the S.S. Invincible | 23:00 Character Avalanche | 30:20 Pearly Gates | 34:40 Harle & Starky | 38:50 Viper Manor | 45:50 Real Net | 48:04 Outro
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